It goes against the laws of nature to be at work before the sun comes up. Yet, here I am...sitting here, staring out the window into the darkness and wishing I were still snuggled up in my oh-so-comfy bed! I don't have to do this often, just 2-3 times a month, but everytime I do I'm shocked by the number of cars on the road as I make my way to my office. I. Cannot. BELIEVE. People. Do. This. EveryDAY!! I am so lucky.
What time did YOU have to be at work today? Or, are you one of the really lucky ones who didn't have to go at all? On a stormy day like today, I would love nothing more than to be curled up on the couch with a cup of coffee and a good book...what about you?
(By the way...I'm using my new work computer and I haven't installed my camera software yet, so I borrowed this picture from
Well being a SAHM, I wake up at anywhere from 6:30-7:00 7 days a week. My day doesnt end til 7:30 when he goes down. Ray got up with Jake last Sunday and that was the first time i got to sleep in for 9 months. It was wonderful. I slept til 8:15a and it felt like noon.Hope you have more days to sleep in.
It is amazing of the people who get up at the crack to go to work. Also, the fact that they probably have been doing it 40years.
Girl I used to get up to go work at the YMCA at 4:30. Do you remember that? It was crazy...however, there is something so different and peaceful about that time of the day. Love you!
Erin-I do remember that! I thought you were crazy! I still think u were crazy to do that! Haha!
I still have problems getting up in the mornings. My kids pretty much drag me out of bed. Maybe it's because I stay up late getting the things I couldn't get done because I was with the girls all day!
You people need to suck it up!!! I love early morning. Predawn is the only time there is actually peace in my house! By the way, Emma, until I read the last sentence of your post, I actually thought your office overlooked the African savannah!
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