This picture was taken by the thieves at the Florida State Fair. They get you right as you step through the gates. They block your way and say "Say Cheese!" and you of course do as you are told, because really what else can you do? Then they give you a slip of paper with a number on it and send you on your merry little way. All very innocent. Until, that is, you are on your way out of the fair...drugged up on
corn dogs, cheese fries, funnel cakes, and caramel apples...there they are again...blocking your way with a huge plastic sign saying "Don't Forget Your Picture!," so you obligingly step over to the booth to take a peek...all the while whispering to each other that "we'll just look at it...not going to buy it"...then you see it. And (gasp!) it's actually a decent picture of you both, and then you see how much they want to charge you for 1 print...outrageous! You immediately say 'thanks anyway' and turn away. You. Are. NOT falling for that! So, as you triumphantly began to walk away with your wallet still intact, they say to you "You may view or purchase your photograph online if you change your mind." And they've got you. That's all it took. The entire car ride home you keep thinking about that photo, and the more you think about it, the cuter it gets. So, in the end, one of you ends up going online and ordering not 1, but
2 prints...
But all in all, the fair was fun.
Adam and I had a great time walking around stuffing our faces full of yummy fair junk food and laughing at the scary and sometimes
snaggle-toothed state fair employees! And the picture is a nice
memento of the occasion.
That is a good picture. I havent been to the fair in forever. sounds like yall had fun.
LOVE it, DEANIE!!!!! You and Libby both need to write a book!!!!
thanks sanny canny!!
Ann-they do have stories that go untold and they write some beautiful.
Emma you know I love the sunglasses, but you remind me of your mom. You look just like her!
Political correctness is killing this country! "snaggle toothed state fair employees"!!! Carnies, Emma. They are snaggle toothed carnies!!!!
oops! my bad...sorry to all the "Carnies" out there...now I know, and I'll NEVER make that mistake again!
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