Friday, April 3, 2009

here comes the sun

The sun finally decided to make an appearance today after a week (or more) long sabbatical and my mood is shifting....finally.  I've been in a deep, blue funk for the past week.  I'm convinced that this lack of sunshine is partly to blame.  I've wanted nothing more than to sit at home on the couch or in my bed and do NOTHING.  Not instead, I just sat at work and did NOTHING and then came home and did nothing and my messy house is proof of that.  But I woke up feeling productive (somewhat at least...) and after a cup of coffee and bowl of grits I got out of bed and unloaded/reloaded the dishwasher, folded and put away the laundry that had been sitting in the dryer for a week and ran some much needed errands.  It was a good day.  Tomorrow looks to be even better...75 and sunny!  Yay sun!!!!  (Hopefully the stormy forecast for Sunday won't push me back down)  We shall see......


Smitty said...

Great Pic!! Keep it up babe

Smitty said...

Where was this?

Emma said...

In front of the neibhorhood by the fired station on the road that goes from my house towards Libby's

Libby Pratt said...

You're quite the photographer...I love this picture. People driving by probably think you are some whacko!

Emma said...

Haha! You're probably right...several people drove by looking at my funny!

Erin Davison Dykes said...

You are good at taking pics!! :)

Erin Davison Dykes said...

You are great at taking pics!! :)

Erin Davison Dykes said...

Great Pics!! :)