Today I am irritated because what was supposed to have been a half-day at work has turned into a triple-time day and I am SO over it. I'm over this job. I'm trying to be grateful to even have a job in this rough economy, but it is very hard. I feel like a spoiled little brat for even complaining, especially since I pretty much get to do as I please here and I never have anyone looking over my shoulder....and don't get me wrong, that part is VERY nice and my boss treats me very well....but after 5 years of sitting here, staring into the wild blue yonder, I'm bored to tears. And the parts of my job where I actually have to do work, I hate. I'm sick of breathing in chlorine, of unloading box after 50-pound box of acid, and of getting soaking wet trying to untangle the huge, cumbersome vacuum hose...needless to say, I will NEVER own my own pool.
Well...now that I'm done whining, here's a pretty picture....because a blog post is just better with a picture :)
thanks...sometimes it's just good to whine a little ;)
Well, you are a big old baby!!
i am NOT big!
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